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Delivery of new AWT vehicles for University Hospital Ulm

By 9. August 2024No Comments

Delivery of 26 new AWT vehicles with lifting mechanism

At the University Hospital in Ulm, 75 AWT vehicles with lifting mechanisms are currently used to transport the containers from the shipping point to their respective destinations and back. Of these 75 vehicles, AFT has already manufactured and delivered 49 vehicles in previous projects.

30 vehicles were delivered in project 14310 as part of the extension of the NB surgery in 2010

4 vehicles were delivered in project14526 in 2013

15 vehicles were delivered in project 14715 in 2019

The remaining 26 vehicles date back to the original supplier of the AWT system, Schindler. These vehicles will now be replaced. The following optimizations will be implemented, as requested by the customer:

  • Use of an axial bearing on the chassis and running gear to attach the crossbeam (vehicle frame)
  • Adaptation of the chassis and running gear housing to make it easier to replace the wheels